Jim and Jaap, et al. Attached are the nonlinear equations of motion, the characteristic equation coefficients, and the stability criteria for the monocycle from Carvallo placed side-by-side with mine for comparison. I converted all of Carvallo's equations and results into my notation which is at the front of the attachment. The equations are laid out with the same ordering of kinematic quantities. There are boxes around terms where we have disagreement and circles around the offending term within each box. Some differences appear to be due to Carvallo neglecting the mass and/or inertia of the wheel in certain instances, as you pointed out to me - but other differences don't seem to be due to that. The discrepancies in the nonlinear equations end up being insignificant for the most part because they go away mostly in the linearization. Still, the charac. eqn. coeff.'s are slightly different. The discrepancies only lead to one difference in the stability criterion - the critical speed for stability. Mike Coleman, Burlington VT, Jan 9, 2008