Nottingham, 9 Feb. 2006. Dear Arend, Jim and Andy, Some comments on Klein and Sommerfeld (1910). What I stated as a mere possibility, that Fritz Noether wrote the bicycle part, now appears to be so. That the preface is not in Arend's copy, may have several reasons. It is possible that it is a reprinted edition, or the binder removed the unnumbered pages. Now more about the contents. About the date of writing: I think the part was written in the years just before publication, although it could go back as far as 1901, as the references are concerned. Reference is made to Rankine, Bourlet, Whipple and Carvallo. The part is predominantly written in the 'neue Rechtschreibung' (new orthography), which was introduced in 1903, although some words are written in the old spelling, such as 'Zuthun' on page 865, line 20. This does not say anything, because the publisher might change the spelling to their house style. They apparently did not agree with some of the new rules. Kaiser Wilhelm II did not approve either, so, as a compromise, to this day, the Germans write 'Thron'. We should remember that F. Noether was born in 1884, which make a late date more probable. There are a few typos or slips, although the ultimate equations are correct. On Page 875, Eq.(9), there should be s_2 instead of h_2 sin \sigma in the third line, or the full expression for s_2. The slip continues in the fifth line of Eq.(10) on Page 876. In the same line, in the last term, in the expression between ( ), c_1 should be c_2. On Page 880, 2nd line of the unnumbered expression, a \sigma is missing. This is a mere typo. On Page 881, Eq. (15), a cos \sigma should be added to the very last term, inside the (). Comparisons. On P.866, it is said that 'The equations so obtained agree with those of Whipple and Carvallo', and on page 877, footnote **) says: 'Our equations I,II,III are linear combinations of those obtained by Whipple (page 323) as well as those by Carvallo (page 100)', so it seems that at least some comparison was made. So Klein and Sommerfeld, with Noether, were the first to compare results. It appears that Doehring (1953-1955) closely follows the derivation given here, but generalizes the model. Even some of the notation is the same. It seems very probable that Doehring compared his equations for the special case which is treated here, which is easy to do, but that he did not compare his results with those of Whipple and Carvallo. Best regards, Jaap.