Delft Mechanics Colloquium

Delft University of
Related WWW pages: Advice and information for MC speakers
Organizer: Arend Schwab <a.l.schwab@tudelft.nl>
Logistics/lodging/re-imbursement/travel contact: Corinne du Burck <C.P.duBurck@tudelft.nl>
Contents of this page:
I. Scheduled speakers
II. Accepted speakers not yet scheduled
III. Invited but not yet accepted speakers
IV. People to possibly invite
V. To put off to 2009-2010 academic year
VI. Invited speakers who can't come at all

This page was updated Sep 29, 2009.
I. Schedule 2009-2004
Thu, Oct 1, 2009, 9:45-10:30, Room 4B-1-49
Ichiro Kageyama, Professor of Nihon University, Japan
College of Industrial Technology
Department of Mechanical Engineering
mailto: kageyama.ichiro@nihon-u.ac.jp
Host = Schwab
Thu, June 4, 2009, 12:45-13:30, Room D
Jason Moore, Sports Biomechanics Laboratory, UCDavis, CA, USA <jkmoor@ucdavis.edu>,
"First Look at Rider Biomechanics while Controlling a Bicycle",
Host = Schwab
Wed, Apr 8, 2009, 12:45-13:30, Room B
Jack Booker, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA <booker@cornell.edu>,
"Numerical Analysis of Dynamically-Loaded Journal Bearings",
Host = Schwab
Fri, Oct 3, 2008, 11:00-12:00, Room E
Jim Papadopoulos, Green Bay, WI
"On Bicycle Handling and Self-Stability",
Host = Schwab, abstract.
Wed, May 28, 2008, 13:30-14:30, Faculty Room
Mont Hubbard, University of California, Davis
"Safe Ski Jump Landing Slope Design",
Host = Schwab, abstract.
Wed, Apr 9, 2008, 14:00-14:45, Lecture Room F
Myriam Verschuure, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
"Counterweight balancing: determining limits of performance
through convex optimization techniques",
Host = Just Herder, abstract.
Tue, Jun 12, 2007, 12:45-13:30, Room J
Sunil K. Agrawal, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, USA
<agrawal@udel.edu>, http://mechsys4.me.udel.edu
"Differentially Flat Design of Bipeds and Under-Actuated Robots",
Host = Schwab, abstract, presentation pdf 1,188 KB
Fri, Mar 30, 2007, 12:45-13:30, Room C
Jorge Ambrósio, IDMEC/IST, Instituto Superior Técnico, Technical University of Lisbon,Portugal
<jorge@dem.ist.utl.pt>, http://www.dem.ist.utl.pt/IDMEC/
"Multidisciplinary Applications Using Multibody Dynamics as the Framework for
Developments", Host = Schwab, abstract,
Mon, Nov 27, 2006, 12:45-13:30, Room J
Johannes Gertsmayr, Johannes Kepler University of Linz, Austria, <johannes.gerstmayr@jku.at>,
"Advanced Methods for Large-Scale Flexible Multibody Systems", Host = Schwab
abstract, presentation pdf 546 KB Animations of the examples can be found at:
Mon, Aug 15, 2005, 14:00-14:45, Room J
Michael Coleman, University of Vermont, VT, USA, <mcoleman@emba.uvm.edu>,
"A rigid body on a skate: another device that cannot stand still but balances
while moving", Host = Schwab
abstract, presentation (zip 10,384 KB)
Wed, Jun 28, 2006, 15:00-15:45, Room C
Jack Booker, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA <booker@cornell.edu>,
"Never the twain shall meet: Separating solid surfaces with fluid films ",
Host = Schwab
Mon, May 30, 2005, 15:45-16:45, Room J
Wan-Suk Yoo, Pusan National University, Pusan, South Korea, <wsyoo@pusan.ac.kr>,
"On flexible multibody simulations and experiments for large deformation
problems", Host = Schwab
Tue, Mar 22, 2005, 10:45-11:45, Conference Room 4 (38-8b-2nd floor)
Ishan Sharma, Univ of Cambridge, UK, <I.Sharma@damtp.cam.ac.uk>
"Equilibrium Configurations of Ellipsoidal, Soil-Like, Spinning Asteroids.",
Host = Schwab
abstract, presentation (ppt 1,446 KB)
Mon, Mar 7, 2005, 13:45-14:45, Room M
Yoshiaki Terumichi, Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan, <y-terumi@sophia.ac.jp>
"An Experimental and Numerical Approach for Pattern Formation Phenomena",
Host = Schwab
abstract, presentation (ppt 9,540 KB)
Mon, Feb 21, 2005, 15:45-16:45, Room E
Jaap Meijaard, Univ of Nottingham UK, <Jaap.Meijaard@nottingham.ac.uk>
"A physical tire model for the analysis of vehicle handling", Host = Schwab
Fri, Oct 15, 2004, 15:00-15:45 Room D
Shinya Aoi, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, <shinya_aoi@kuaero.kyoto-u.ac.jp>
"Stability Analysis of a Simple Walking Model Driven by a Rhythmic Signal",
host = Van Woerkom
Tue, Oct 12, 2004, 15:45-16:45 Room E
Knoek van Soest, Free University Amsterdam, <a_j_van_soest@fbw.vu.nl>
"Biomechanics of Pedaling; Simulation Studies on the Relation between
Mechanical Power Output and Kinematical Constraints on Leg Motion",
host = Schwab
abstract, presentation (pdf 2,765 KB)
Mon, Sep 20, 2004, 15:45-16:45 Room J
Andy Ruina, Cornell University <ruina@cornell.edu>
"Some Mechanics Perspectives on Robot Locomotion", host = Schwab
Wed, Jun 9, 2004, 11:00-12:00 Room ?
Karl Åström, Lund Institute of Technology <kja@control.lth.se>
"Bicycle Dynamics and Control", host = Schwab
abstract, presentation (pdf 2026 KB)
Fri, Mar 5, 2004, 15:45-16-45, Room R (opposite the faculty room)
Jaap Meijaard, Univ of Nottingham UK, <Jaap.Meijaard@nottingham.ac.uk>
"Continuering van oplossingen en vertakkingen voor multibodysystemen
met toepassingen in de dynamica van motorfietsen", Host = Schwab
Wed, Dec 17, 2003, 14:45-15:45, Room U (IO building, above entrance)
Arend Schwab, TUDelft, <a.l.schwab@wbmt.tudelft.nl>
"Stability of an Uncontrolled Bicycle", Host = Helm
abstract, presentation (ppt 1924 KB)
II. Accepted SPEAKERS (not yet scheduled)
III. Invited but not yet committed3
IV. Possibilities (not yet invited)
V. For 2009-2010 season (provisionally accepted invitation)
VI. Can't give a seminar