Some personal information related to Arend L. Schwab

Current schedule (hour by hour, and travel plans)
Old schedules:
Spring 2003 

email: (no matter where I am)

WWW page:


Laboratory for Engineering Mechanics,
Delft University of Technology,
Mekelweg 2,
NL 2628 CD Delft,
The Netherlands
phone: +31 15 27 82701, fax: +31 15 27 82150, room: 4B-1-44.
see TUDelft campus map and Faculty map
Rochussenstraat 33A,
NL 3015 EB Rotterdam,
The Netherlands
Phone: +31 10 341 61 53 Mobile: +31  6 2852 7539
Birthday: April 6, 1955
Former homes: Bussum, Rhoon, Ithaca (NY)
Parents: André (born 7/22/20) and Hetty (born 2/1/22) 
Sister: Jet (born 6/25/52),
Wife: Ellen Peper (born 5/9/64)
Samuel (son, born 4/23/1997)
Simon (son, born 3/7/1999)
Salomé (daughter, born 7/11,2001)
Gerrit (Felix Domesticus, born 6/1/1995)
Japie (Agapornis, born 10/27/2004)
Andy Ruina , , sabbatical stay at Cornell 2002/2003

Summer Holiday Address
Long summers are usually spend on a campsite at the northern coast of Normandie, France. The nearest village is  Fermanville and is located some 15 km east of Cherbourg. The coastal cape nearby is called Cap-Lévi.  The campsite is run by: M. Mme Giot Laronche, 47 Inthéville - 50840 Fermanville, phone: +33 2 33 54 39 46.